








王建祥长期从事复合材料的力学性能、表面应力理论、界面效应、广义输运性能等研究,取得了一系列科研成果:基于断裂力学理论发展了复合材料层合板的“就地强度”理论;发展了短纤维增强准脆性复合材料的本构理论;发展了具有界面效应的非经典Eshelby夹杂理论,以及考虑界面效应的细观力学理论;发展了具有界面效应的非均质材料传导性能预测理论;提出了描述具有界面效应的纳米结构材料和非均质材料力学性能尺度效应的标度律;发展了时-空非局部理论。 王建祥曾获得国家教育部跨世纪人才基金(2000)、中国力学学会青年科技奖(2002)、国家杰出青年科学基金(2005)、全国优秀博士论文指导教师(2007)、必威betway官网入口优秀共产党员标兵(2008)、北京高校优秀共产党员(2008)、北京市优秀教师(2009)、北京市“群众心目中的好党员”(2010)等荣誉, 2008年被聘为教育部长江学者特聘教授。王建祥曾担任中国力学学会秘书长(2007-2010),第23届世界力学家大会(ICTAM2012, 北京)秘书长,北京国际力学中心秘书长(2007-2011)。现任国际理论与应用力学联盟(IUTAM)大会委员会委员、中国力学学会理事、以及Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica、Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 副主编、Acta Mechanica Sinica、编委。


  1. Wang, L.J., Xu, J.F., Wang, J. 2019. Elastodynamics of linearized isotropic state-based peridynamic media. Journal of Elasticity 137, 157—176.
  2. Wang, L.J., Xu, J.F., Wang, J., and Karihaloo, B.L. 2019. A mechanism-based spatiotemporal non-local constitutive formulation for elastodynamics of composites. Mechanic of Materials 128: 105–116.
  3. Wang, L.J., Xu, J. and Wang, J. 2018. A peridynamic framework and simulation of non-Fourier and nonlocal heat conduction. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 118, 1284—1292.
  4. Du, F., Huang, J.Y., Duan, H.L., Xiong, C.Y. and Wang, J. 2018. Wetting transparency of supported graphene is regulated by polarities of liquids and substrates. Applied Surface Science 454, 249—255.
  5. Li, S., and Wang, J. 2018. The stress intensity factor and propagation of an inclined crack in the central layer of a composite laminate under tension. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 93, 128—136.
  6. Wang, L.J., Chen, Y.S., Xu, J.F. and Wang, J. 2017. Transmitting boundary conditions for 1D peridynamics. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Engineering 110, 379—400.
  7. Wang, L.J., Xu, J. and Wang, J. 2017. Static and dynamic Green's functions in peridynamicsJournal of Elasticity 126, 95—125.
  8. Dong, H., Li, Z., Wang, J. and Karihaloo, B.L. 2016. A new fatigue failure theory for multidirectional fibre-reinforced composite laminates with arbitrary stacking sequence. International Journal of Fatigue 87, 294—300.
  9. Wang, L.J., Xu, J. and Wang, J. 2016. The Green’s functions for peridynamic non-local diffusionProceedings of the Royal Society A 472, 20160185.
  10. Dong, H., Wang, J. and Rubin, M.B. 2015. A nonlinear Cosserat interphase model for residual stresses in an inclusion and the interphase that bonds it to an infinite matrix.  International Journal of Solids and Structures 62, 186—206.
  11. Du, F., Duan, H. L., Xiong, C. Y. and Wang, J. 2015. Substrate wettability requirement for the direct transfer of graphene. Applied Physics Letters 107, Art 143109.
  12. Sun, T., Wang, J. and Kang, W. 2014. Heat transfer in heterogeneous nanostructures can be described by a simple chain model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 16914—16918.
  13. Dong, H., Wang, J. and Karihaloo, B.L. 2014. An improved Puck's failure theory for fiber-reinforced composite laminates including the in situ strength effect. Composites Science and Technology 98 86—92.
  14. Sun, T., Wang, J. and Kang, W. 2013. Van der Waals interaction-tuned heat transfer in nanostructures. Nanoscale 5, 128–133.
  15. Zhang, K., Zhao, X.W., Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L. and Wang, J. 2011. Pattern transformations in periodic cellular solids under external stimuli. Journal of Applied Physics 109, Art. 084907.
  16. Zhang, K., Duan, H.L., Karihaloo, B.L. & Wang, J. 2010 Hierarchical, multilayered cell walls reinforced by recycled silk cocoons enhance the structural integrity of honeybee combs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (21), 9502—9506.
  17. Duan, H.L., Wang, J. & Karihaloo, B.L. 2009 Theory of elasticity at the nano-scale. Advances in Applied Mechanics 42, 1-68.
  18. Wang, J., Duan, H.L., Huang, Z.P. & Karihaloo, B.L. 2006 A scaling law for properties of nano-structured materials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 462, 1355—1363.
  19. Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. & Karihaloo, B.L. 2005 Size-dependent effective elastic constants of solids containing nano-inhomogeneities with interface stress. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53, 1574—1596.
  20. Duan, H.L., Wang, J., Huang, Z.P. & Karihaloo, B.L. 2005 Eshelby formalism for nano-inhomogeneities. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 461, 3335—3353.