澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学机械系David Wood教授于5月25日下午访问我院并在力学楼434室作了题为“Small Wind Turbines for Urban and RemoteApplications”的学术报告。报告由力学与空天技术系的黄迅">黄迅特聘研究员主持,betway唯一官方网站的十多位师生出席了该报告会。
报告人介绍:David Wood studied Mechanical Engineering at Sydney University and then obtained his Ph.D. in Aeronautics at Imperial College, London. From 1981-2004 he was an academic at Newcastle University where he started and developed research on small wind turbines. In 1987 he was a Senior Research Associate at NASA Ames Research Center, California. In 2004 he formed Aerogenesis with the aim of building small turbines up to 150 kW for remote power systems and direct grid connection. He is the holder or co-holder of two wind turbine patents, author or co-author of over 60 papers and book chapters on wind energy, and is the Editor for small turbines and aerodynamics for the journal Wind Engineering.