北大科技奥运再传佳讯 我国激流健儿首获奖牌
  自2005年9月以来,必威betway官网入口与国家体育总局水上中心紧密合作,形成以 佘振苏">佘振苏教授为“水上项目08奥运首席科技指导”的奥运攻关小组。小组长期深入国家队训练一线,在激流训练赛道水流建设、技术认知创新平台、程序化参赛、科学化训练体系等全方位展开了深刻细致而卓富有效的基础性工作,在国家队凝聚形成了“One team One dream”的团队精神。必威betway官网入口已成为国家体育总局 “2008北京奥运科技合作伙伴”,这是内地唯一一所高校获此殊荣。目前,小组已有两名成员成为国家队一线教练,现正在德国紧锣备战。
  今年4月份开始, 佘振苏">佘振苏教授亲临国家激流队,全面负责国家队教练团队的训练计划执行和组织安排工作。教练团队包括美国资深顾问、德国教练、斯洛伐尼亚教练,以及中方教练和科研人员。这支复合性团队在快速学习运用国际先进激流技术,科学化安排训练以及深入研究激流运动项目的本质规律方面进行了大胆探索,取得了阶段性的成果。
Dear Luo Bing,
       We wanted to inform you that during the first race in Slalom World Cup Series – China won its first medal in C-2 Men event.
       ICF made the news about this on the front page of the ICF website.
       Please find the news below:
First Chinese Medal in a Slalom Racing World Cup Race
       Almost one year before the Games, the Chinese Slalom Racing team makes history in Prague.
       Last weekend, during the first Slalom Racing World Cup held in Prague, the C2 Men (Canoe double) Hu/Shu won China's first ever medal in Slalom Racing.
       Finishing third behind the Olympic medallists Jiras /Mader and Double Olympic Champions Hochschorner brothers in an exciting C2 Men final event, the Chinese crew demonstrated the  growing potential of Slalom Racing in the host nation for the Olympic Games 2008.
       The Chinese Slalom Racing team has shown to the canoeing world that Canoe double is an open and challenging category.
  Hereby we congratulate to the Chinese Canoe Association on this great achievement and wish them further success.
       Best regards.