
题目:Synthetic Extracellular Matrices with Controlled Architectures and Improved Mechanical Properties for Tissue Engineering
报告人:贾新桥 博士
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware, USA
主持人:罗莹  特聘研究员

联系人:betway唯一官方网站生物医学工程系 葛子钢
There is a critical need to develop synthetic extracellular matrices (sECM) that are not only reconfigurable and adaptable but also exhibit desired mechanical properties that are conductive to tissue growth. Two types of sECM have been developed in our lab. Hierarchically structured hydrogels based on hyaluronic acid (HA) were synthesized using HA hydrogel particles (HGPs) as the building blocks and water soluble polymer as the crosslinker. These hydrogels are soft and elastic, exhibiting unique frequency-dependent viscoelasticity. Controlled release of model drugs was achieved through their anchorage at predetermined locales of the hierarchical hydrogel system. The second type of sECM is multiblock hybrid polymer that not only captures the elasticity of native elastin, but also provide flexibility and tunability in a range of morphological and mechanical properties. These hybrid polymers were synthesized by condensation polymerization via Orthogonal Click Chemistry using flexible synthetic polymers and alanine-rich, lysine-containing peptides as the building blocks. Subsequent covalent crosslinking of the pre-registered lysin residue led to a strong and elastic scaffold. These biomaterials are used as sECM for soft tissue regeneration.

贾新桥 现为美国特拉华州立大学(The University of Delaware) 材料工程系 (Materials Science and Engineering Department) 助理教授 (Assistant Professor)。主要从事高分子生物材料的合成及及其在组织工程上的应用。
电话:302-831-6553, 传真:302-831-4545, E-mail:

1990.9-1995.7 复旦大学物理二系应用化学专业,获理学学士学位。
1995.9-1998.7 复旦大学高分子科学系高分子化学与物理专业,获理学硕士学位。
1998.9-2002.7 美国麻省大学高分子科学与工程系(The University of Massachusetts at Amherst),获理学博士学位。
2002.8-2005.8 美国麻省理工大学 (MIT) 化学工程系博士后。
2005.9-      美国特拉华州立大学材料工程系助理教授。

1. CAREER: Mechano-Responsive Biomaterials with Controlled Architecture and Improved Mechanical Properties via Biomimetic Strategies
NSF/DMR (0643226), Role: PI., 07/01/2007-06/30/2012, $500,000 

2. Tissue Engineering of Vocal Fold Lamina Propria
NIH/NIDCD (1R01DC008965-01), Role: PI, 07/01/2007-06/30/2012, $1,862,556

3. Nature InSpired Engineering Research Experiences for Teachers – NISE‐RET
NSF-RET (PI: K. E. Barner), Role: co-PI, 01/01/2008-12/21/2010 $499,938

4. Biomimetic Materials with “Sacrificial Bonds” and “Hidden Length”
UDRF, Role: PI, 06/01/2007-05/31/2008, $25,000