Title: Metamaterials: A Route for Molecular Scale Imaging
Dr. Nicholas X. Fang
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Science and Engineering, & the
Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing
Systems, University of Illinois, USA
Recent theory predicted a new class of meta-materials made of artificial
“atoms” and “molecules” that offer unusual optical and acoustic
responses that are nonexistent in nature. For example, a theoretical
“superlens” is proposed, which has potential of focusing the light far
below the diffraction limit. These metamaterials could have profound
impact in a wide range of applications such as real-time imaging and
manipulation at molecular scale.
In this talk, I will demonstrate the progress of making these artificial
metamaterials for optical and acoustic imaging purposes. We
demonstrated, for the first time, the THz magnetic resonance generated
by artificially structured “molecules”. Furthermore, we confirmed a key
proposition of superlens theory: the recovery of evanescent waves via
excitation of surface plasmons. Using silver as a natural optical superlens,
we recently demonstrated sub-diffraction-limited near-field imaging with
30nm half-pitch resolution, or 1/12 of the illumination wavelength. The
plasmonic structures indeed promise exciting avenues to nanoscale
optical imaging and highly compact optoelectronic devices..
Nicholas Xuanlai Fang is an assistant professor of Mechanical Science
and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He
received his PhD of Mechanical Engineering in Febrary 2004, majoring
MEMS/Nanotechnology from the University of California-Los Angeles
(UCLA), under Professor Xiang Zhang. He also holds MS (1998) and BS
(1996) degrees in Physics from Nanjing University, China. Dr. Fang is
very active in the field of nanophotonics, with several key publications in
Science, Nature Materials and Nanoletters. His research highlight
includes first demonstration of optical superlensing, invention of far IR
magnetic/plasmonic metamaterials, and development of 3D micro/
nanolithography systems. He is also interested in the design and
manufacturing of photonic bandgap structures and devices, mold transfer
and metallization technologies and energy and mass transport phenomena
in micro- and nanoscale systems. Dr Fang is the recipient of the ASME Pi
Tau Sigma Gold Medal of 2006, in recognition of his outstanding
achievement in mechanical engineering. He served as a symposium
co-organizer of MRS spring 2006 meeting, with focus on optical negative
index materials.
主持人:黄岩谊 特聘研究员
时 间: 12 月18 日(周一) 上午9:30 -10:30
地 点: 必威betway官网入口廖凯原楼2 号楼1 层betway唯一官方网站会议室