2013.4-至今 betway唯一官方网站力学与工程科学系研究员、博士生导师
2011.2-2011.8 南洋理工大学 Research Fellow
2010.7-2013.4 北京理工大学 师资博士后
2005.9--2010.7 betway唯一官方网站力学与空天技术系 博士
2001.9--2005.7 国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 学士
北京市杰青(2020),爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2020),科睿唯安高被引科学家(2018),北京市科技新星(2018),教育部青年长江学者(2017),全国优博(2012)。国家自然科学二等奖(排名3,2015),杨嘉墀科技奖二等奖(2015), IET Control Theory & Applications最佳论文奖(2013),系统科学最佳论文奖(2009-2011)。必威betway官网入口教学优秀奖(2011),必威betway官网入口-京东方奖奖教金(2021)

1.     S. Zhang, Y. Lv, Z. Li*, An operator-theoretic approach to robust event-triggered control of network systems with frequency-domain uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted for publication, 2022.  (regular paper)

2.     Y. Xiong, Z. Li*, Privacy-preserved average consensus algorithm with edge-based additive perturbations, Automatica, 140: 110223, 2022.

3.     Z. Sun, A. Rantze, Z. Li*, A. Robertsson, Distributed adaptive stabilization, Automatica, 129: 109616, 2021.  (regular paper)

4.     Z. Li*, J. Chen, Robust consensus for multi-agent systems communicating over stochastic uncertain networks, SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization, 57(5): 3553- 3570, 2019.

5.     B. Cheng, Z. Li*, Fully distributed event-triggered protocols for linear multiagent networks, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(4): 1655-1662, 2019. 

6.     Z. Li*, J. Chen, Robust consensus of linear feedback protocols over uncertain network graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(8): 4251-4258, 2017.

7.     Z. Li*, G. Wen, Z. Duan, W. Ren, Designing fully distributed consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(4): 1152-1157, 2015.

8.     Z. Li*, W. Ren, X. Liu, L. Xie, Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems with adaptive dynamic protocols, Automatica, 49(7): 1986-1995, 2013.  (Regular Paper) 

9.     Z. Li*, W. Ren, X. Liu, M. Fu, Consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics using distributed adaptive protocols, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(7): 1786-1791, 2013.

10.  Z. Li*, Z. Duan, G. Chen, L. Huang, Consensus of multiagent systems and synchronization of complex networks: A unified viewpoint, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 57(1): 213-224, 2010.